The Framer Editor Bar

The Editor Bar shows on site you’re the owner or an editor of, and enables you and your collaborators to quickly access and edit projects. It marks the start of an exciting journey, allowing non technical editors to effortlessly add content to a site.

When does it appear?

When you publish your site and view it, the Editor Bar will appear at the bottom of your viewport. Rest assured, visitors to your production sites will never see it — it only appears if the viewer is the site owner or a collaborator. On staging links, the Editor Bar is always visible by default.

Why does it say I don’t have access?

This message appears if the site owner published the project from a workspace you’re not part of or if your editor rights were manually revoked. For security reasons, the Editor Bar does not include a button to directly request access. Instead, you’ll need to contact the site owner directly.

How can I hide it?

The Editor Bar is never visible to visitors on live production sites. However, if you still wish to hide it—for example, if it obstructs important website content while navigating—you can temporarily disable it through the Framer menu. It will stay hidden until the site is reloaded.