Requirements & Browser Support

Our goal is >99% browser compatibility measured across everyone visiting a website built with Framer.

Published Framer Sites

As of today, any Framer site published supports the following browsers ("+" means "and higher"):

  • Safari 13.1+, iOS (WebKit) 13.1+

  • Chrome 83+, Edge 83+ (Blink) — which covers also:

    • Opera 69+, Opera mobile 69+

    • Samsung Internet 13+

    • other browsers based on Chromium v83+ (e.g. Brave v1.11+, Android browser, Vivaldi, Yandex, …)

  • Firefox (Gecko) 102+

All operating systems where any of the above-mentioned version is capable of running are supported.

If you encounter a cross-browser issue or if your site audience looks very different from the median, please contact us in our help forum.

Please note: As part of our continues updates, we aim to support very modern CSS features to empower creative freedom. Some of those features might not be supported in a perfectly equivalent way by all older browsers we support. This means, specific CSS features use fallbacks (called “polyfills”), which might result in minor layout differences or behavior in old browsers. Please refer to our CSS help article for details.

Framer Canvas

To use the Framer Canvas, you'll need an internet connection and one of the following operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux, or ChromeOS. Ensure you have a recent version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge installed. Additionally, Framer offers a desktop version for Mac and Windows users.

For Brave browser & Adblocker users: If you encounter any issues, please make sure to turn off “Brave Shields” and any adblockers for We take privacy seriously — see our privacy policy.